the framework
It is our goal to provide 5-day a week, in-person instruction for the entire school year. We agree with the assessment of the American Academy of Pediatrics that it is of utmost importance that children return to school for social/emotional and academic development. However, If there is a closure due to Covid-19, or other emergency (such as a natural disaster), or a significant drop in enrollment, we are ready to provide our remote learning program, School From Home.
In order for School From Home to be sustainable, we would need to meet a minimum number of enrolled students. Details regarding the School From Home fee schedule are under consideration.
During a closure, we are prepared to provide a combination of the below offerings, according to a student’s age and ability:
Weekly lesson guide
here is a sample of how a weekly lesson guide might look
A video-recorded reading of a book
Morning meetings
End of the day meetings
Small group lessons
One-on-one online instruction
Individualized language and math activities
Private office hours